Arkansas是The Natural State,自然不能錯過其他自然景觀,不過其他點都蠻遠的,加上冬天可能也不適合Hiking之類的,就找了個蠻近的State Park -- Lake Catherine State Park。這邊有個湖,一片粗沙的沙灘,就在這裡胡亂照照吧:P 還看到個滿滿都是Bud Light啤酒罐的垃圾桶,應該是前一晚有Bud Light Party吧:P
主要國家公園區是個bath house raw,上面有著八間古老的澡堂,不過現在只有一間有在營業,是由國家公園經營傳統的溫泉浴。這八間現在都是古蹟了,建築也別有一番風味,讓downtown這條大街上更有特色。路邊也有讓人接的溫泉水,很多人都帶著大桶小桶來裝水回家喝,美國的溫泉不知道為什麼,可以洗也可以喝XD
第一天從Champaign先到Memphis。還沒做功課以前不知道原來這個老是在I57上看到路標的城市是Home of Blues跟Birthplace of Rock 'n' Roll。還是大名鼎鼎貓王的故鄉。在downtown的Beale Street是個有超過25間clubs的大街,在夜裡特別熱鬧。每間clubs裡都有著Live music,其中最有名的應該算是BB Kings Club吧。他們的show幾乎每天都是有出唱片的歌手或band表演,本來打算去看show的,不過不知道為什麼沒找到對的地方,就在Lucilles Grill吃飯看free的live music而已。其實我現在還是相當好奇到底該從哪個口進去才是看show的。話說BB King也不是個小咖,名字來於Beale Street Blues Boy,是個藍調音樂的領航者,直到2000年都還有跟Eric Clapton合作的專輯呢。
今天早上起床去了一趟Lake of The Woods,想要試試朋友借的腳架順便再練練照相。不過還是不懂到底是景本來就沒啥好拍還是我構圖就永遠只有這幾招。再來還是光線掌握不好,覺得從LCD上根本看不出所以然啊XD..現在Picasa就專門來放練習照相的照片好了..:P
話說Lake of the Woods的湖已經整個結冰,只有少部份融化成水,就呈現一邊水一邊冰的景象。然後吊橋一整個很難行走XD...還有一些人在那滑雪:P
Tell me all your plans and I'll laugh back in your face Preach me your religion if you're dumb enough to pray
I tried to make a change to get a better way to make a little more money I tried to get away to see if I could stay and look what I became, honey
[Chorus] What is it I'm after Searching for disaster Watching my whole life flash in front of my eyes We've been given answers Still we're walking cancers Dressed up as a life
Get all your news from a corporate company Trade in your opinon for a gallon of gasoline Go!
I tried to get away to see if I could stay And look what I became, honey
[Chorus] What is it I'm after Searching for disaster Watching my whole life flash in front of my eyes We've been given answers Still we're walking cancers Dressed up as a life Dressed up as a life Dressed up as a life
This life is a waste of life This life... Is a fucking lie!
[Chorus] What is it I'm after Searching for disaster Watching my whole life flash in front of my eyes We've been given answers Still we're walking cancers Dressed up as a life Dressed up as a life Dressed up as a life Dressed up as...