
[Life] Cancer - Sick Puppies

Free Hugs緣起於Juan Mann兩年前街頭擁抱陌生人的片段。 在YouTube紅了起來,擁抱的場面感人。主題曲就是我週三才剛認識的Sick Puppies的歌All The Same。上網看才知道,18歲的Sick Puppies成員Shimon Moore正在為前途感到憂慮,他在購物中心前遇見了正在把Free Hugs送給陌生人的Juan Mann。Juan Mann正遭遇着婚變和祖母身患重病的不幸人生,他感到沮喪,他認為只有這樣才能治療壓抑很久的心情。Moore看到Juan Mann擁抱陌生人後非常感動,決定為這個新朋友製作一部短片。素材拍好後,直到今年Juan Mann祖母去世,他才制作完成這個短片,然後寄给了Juan Mann,而這首背景歌是他特別為Juan Mann寫的。

今天剛抓到Sick Puppies的專輯,聽了一下,在這種時空背景下,聽到Cancer這首歌,真的很有感觸。我想現在應該不少朋友聽了都會有一樣的感覺,推薦給大家下載來聽

Cancer - Sick Puppies

Tell me all your plans and I'll laugh back in your face
Preach me your religion if you're dumb enough to pray

I tried to make a change to get a better way
to make a little more money
I tried to get away to see if I could stay
and look what I became, honey

What is it I'm after
Searching for disaster
Watching my whole life flash in front of my eyes
We've been given answers
Still we're walking cancers
Dressed up as a life

Get all your news from a corporate company
Trade in your opinon for a gallon of gasoline

I tried to get away to see if I could stay
And look what I became, honey

What is it I'm after
Searching for disaster
Watching my whole life flash in front of my eyes
We've been given answers
Still we're walking cancers
Dressed up as a life
Dressed up as a life
Dressed up as a life

This life is a waste of life
This life...
Is a fucking lie!

What is it I'm after
Searching for disaster
Watching my whole life flash in front of my eyes
We've been given answers
Still we're walking cancers
Dressed up as a life
Dressed up as a life
Dressed up as a life
Dressed up as...

然後,如果沒看過Free Hugs影片的人可以看看:


